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A struggling actor thinks he’s on the verge of success when he’s contacted by Hollywood producers for a huge role in a blockbuster film, but when he’s sent to shoot in Jakarta, Indonesia, nothing goes as planned and he must uncover the truth – that he’s caught in the trap of the Hollywood Con Queen, a master con-artist executing a prolific global scam on the entertainment industry.

Director Tom Waller and Actor/MMA fighter Mike “Quick” Zwick

Bangkok, Thailand Crew

Nashville, Tennessee Crew

Jeffrey M Hawkins

Jeffrey M Hawkins

President, Hawkins filmWORKS

Jeff Hawkins marks his debut into film production with the remarkable film, Kiss of the Con Queen, an intriguing blend of drama and suspense, starring the talented duo of Ravi Patel and Eoin O’Brien, and brought to life under the seasoned direction of Irish director Tom Waller. Though it marks his initial step into producing, Hawkins’ contribution to Kiss of the Con Queen reflects his commitment to quality filmmaking and suggests a promising career in this new arena. Mr. Hawkins is also the US representative of talented cinematographer Wade Muller 


Temecula, CA


(415) 450-8436
